Company Directory
Administrative Offices
6310 S. Claremont Ave | Chicago, IL 60636
Tel: 773.476.6200 | Fax: 773.476.0222
Katrina Coleman
Executive Director
Tel: 773.476.6200 x13
Hebron Morris
IT/Contract Compliance
Tel: 773.476.6200 x33
Stokely Saddler
Accounting Manager
Tel: 773.476.6200 x35
Erin Shade
Director of Development
Tel: 773.476.6200
Anita Hoover
Tomoyo Akemoto
Donor Relations
Tel: 773.476.6200 x40
Elizabeth Saddler
Resource Specialist
Tel: 773.476.6200 x38
Inez Crawford
Human Resources
Tel: 773.476.6200 x45
Program Operations Centers
6310 S. Claremont Ave. | Chicago, IL 60636
Tel: 773.476.6200 | Fax: 773.476.0222
Front Desk / Security
Tel: 773.476.6200 x10
Lamplight (Families)
Tel: 773.476.6200 x19
Lamplight (Single Women)
Tel: 773.476.6200 x19
Daybreak (Single Men)
Tel: 773.476.6200 x17
Tel: 773.476.6200 x10 after hours
544 W. 123rd Street | Chicago, IL 60628
Daybreak (Single Men)
Tel: 773.660.8625 | Fax: 773.660.8629
Permanent Housing Center
2115 W. 63rd Street| Chicago, IL 60636
Branch of Love
Tel: 773.476.0900 | Fax: 773.476.0902